We hope you enjoy learning about this principle!

Find out more in our main article: This is how sustainably websites can grow.

Respond creatively to the constant changes in every aspect of our lives; this principle encourages us to work with changes rather than resisting them and stagnating. Change can simultaneously represent growth and opportunity. The online landscape is volatile and developments are often unpredictable, so it helps to take a creative approach.

  • Evaluate supply and demand: How are users evolving and changing? If you are making changes to your website, usability tests can help you to evaluate how these changes affect website traffic. 
  • Use agile methods: Design sprints can generate creative solutions. Design Sprint workshops can provide user feedback that can be incorporated and applied directly.
  • Open Source: It often makes sense to use open source products, such as the CMS WordPress. This allows you to respond to change spontaneously without being dependent on an expert. Open source enables you to make adjustments yourself, as and when you please.
  • Analyse and update your objectives: When did you reach significant milestones? What is your next goal? Approaching challenges creatively enables you to see them as opportunities. When you encounter a new challenge, don’t just try to find a solution, use it as a chance to get closer to your main goal.

The aim of permaculture is to create robust, resilient systems that react flexibly to change (life is change!) and adapt to it intelligently.

The society we live in (system) and the corona crisis (change) can also be considered in relation to permaculture. We recommend this article: Resilience - permaculture and what we can learn from the corona crisis. (Sorry! It’s only in German)

This diagram illustrates how resilience develops and how it is central to permaculture:

Check out this great toolkit from HipPermaculture!

Now you know one of the 12 principles.

Want to find out more? Go to the first principle or return to the main article!

Team Frauenpower im Grünen

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