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Find out more in our main article: This is how sustainably websites can grow.

The first and most significant principle of permaculture design is to observe and interact. Before you can draw up an action plan, you need to know the requirements and familiarize yourself with the environment from as many different perspectives as possible. Taking enough time for this when you start out rather than storming ahead with implementing a project will save you a lot of time and effort in the long run.

“Permaculture is a philosophy of protracted and thoughtful observation rather than protracted and thoughtless labour.”

Bill Mollison

First observe:

  • Analyse the market: What is already out there in your sector? Which competitors could be potential cooperation partners?
  • Analyse your target group: What is the supply and demand in your sector? What products/services are positively received and well recognized?
  • Look at other websites: How are they structured? What do you like/dislike about them? Use this information to analyse your own website.
  • Run user tests: If you already have a website but you want to redesign it, ask real users to test it – they should be similar to your target group.

Then interact:

  • Evaluate your website data: Regularly processing your available data enables you to make small, subtle adjustments to your website, and then observe the effects of these changes.
  • Find out about your target group: Contact potential users directly to gain a better understanding of their needs. 

Now you know one of the 12 principles.

Want to find out more? Go to the next principle or return to the main article!

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