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The principle of integration rather than segregation can often be observed in nature, where it is easy to see cooperation and symbiosis in action. Web design and coding also thrive on symbiosis between different elements. So you can create an intelligent and efficient website by connecting rather than separating things. Analyze your work, your website and the services you offer. Look for overlaps: this is where you can start applying this principle.

  • Look for connections between individual website components. What is the overall theme? How can you link these elements? Take the team page, for example: this is where team members are introduced with a brief profile. Could you also link this page to the portfolio, services or blog? Or to social media sites?
  • Creating connections means developing intelligent transitions. For example, you could display related articles below blog posts. It is equally important to ensure a smooth transition in the website footer. For example, links to thematically-related subpages will motivate users to take a closer look at an issue rather than leaving a page.
  • Networks provide an opportunity to create synergies both on and offline and to share best practices. Support each other and don’t get bogged down by the pressure to compete.
  • Make your website as inclusive as possible and try not to exclude anyone. Opt for straightforward language, respectful wording and visual content that reflects diversity.

Now you know one of the 12 principles.

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