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Find out more in our main article: This is how sustainably websites can grow.

“Though the problems of the world are increasingly complex, the solutions remain embarrassingly simple.”

Bill Mollison

This principle reminds you to stay calm at all times. It is easy to lose track of things in our interconnected world, where content is constantly increasing and things change at lightning speed. The goal of achieving maximum growth as quickly as possible has caused many projects to fail in the past. It is easier to maintain straightforward, slow systems than larger-scale ones. This also enables you to make better use of local resources and generate a more sustainable income.

  • Create a good basic framework: New things can only develop once you have established a stable foundation for your website and your product. You can then build on this.
  • Stay on top of things: Make sure your website is tidy and try to keep your team manageable. This will make problems easier to tackle and changes simpler to implement.
  • Keep experimenting: Try out new ideas, optimize them and explore different (web design) solutions.
  • Good things come to those who wait: Projects sometimes take time to flourish. Avoid over-optimizing when you start out – many small steps over a longer period can lead to great things.

Now you know one of the 12 principles.

Want to find out more? Go to the next principle or return to the main article!

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