We hope you enjoy learning about this principle!

Find out more in our main article: This is how sustainably websites can grow.

The principle of using and valuing renewable resources and services is crucial to creating an efficient, self-regulating system. The way a product is created has an impact on its ecological footprint. So it’s important to focus on sustainability both within and outside the system.

  • Where and how do you work? Do you travel there by bike or car? Do you use a co-working space?
  • Do you use eco-friendly web hosting and communication solutions?

  • Eco-friendly online shops: from climate-neutral shipping options to carbon offsetting schemes through environmental protection projects - this guide provides tips on how to make your online retail business climate-neutral.
  • Be sustainable right from the start: use a green search engine for your online research (e.g. Ecosia) and help plant trees.
  • Think about your own resources: How can you optimise or automate your work processes? Are there ways you could save time, money and energy?

? Practical examples

    Challenge: You need to manually install WordPress installations with a similar setup multiple times.

    Solution: Simply clone the complete installation.

    Challenge: You are planning several (campaign) websites with a similar setup.

    Solution: Develop a carefully designed basic framework, which you can copy and adapt.

  • Collaborate with care and insight: Every web project involves a team, and in the long run, this team will only work well if there is mutual respect, plenty of breathing space and active collaboration.
  • Fun and motivation are renewable resources: Set interim goals and celebrate when you achieve them.

? Practical examples

For example, we define milestones for most of our web projects.

These milestones can only be reached if our customers work with us to meet predefined deadlines. For each deadline met, we ‘reward’ our clients with a newly planted (or saved) tree as a motivation boost. We work together with Cool Earth supporting a great project – so it’s a win-win situation for everyone! And maybe it will inspire you too. :)

Now you know one of the 12 principles.

Want to find out more? Go to the next principle or return to the main article!

Team Frauenpower im Grünen

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