We hope you enjoy learning about this principle!

Find out more in our main article: This is how sustainably websites can grow.

“Don’t think you are on the right track just because it is a well beaten path.”

The Permaculture Association

The most fertile areas are often those where different ecosystems or habitats converge or overlap; they are home to the greatest variety of living organisms. So if marginal zones are the most productive, the obvious solution is to create more of them! It makes sense to regularly stray from your usual paths, try out new approaches and keep your curiosity alive.

  • What are your professional and personal interests? Perhaps you would like to reflect them in your web design. How could you do this?
  • Find your niche: Have the courage to be authentic and individual! Sometimes it makes sense to develop your own specific target group rather than aim for a mass audience.
  • Connect your website! Make sure your content is well linked on your site (this is also important for SEO). For example, use blog articles to offer your visitors more in-depth content and a chance to explore your website.
  • If your product or services interconnect with other branches, explore opportunities for cooperations. Collaborating and brainstorming with those from other fields could lead to surprising results. Why not give it a try? :)

Now you know one of the 12 principles.

Want to find out more? Go to the next principle or return to the main article!

Team Frauenpower im Grünen

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