Isa von Hobe

Web Strategy & Concept

Meet Isabella. As a cultural scientist, she always focuses on the interdisciplinary approach. After her studies, she started off as a project manager at JGzB and as web team member of the co2online’s “Climate seeks protection” campaign. In 2014, she founded the ACB network, which marked the beginning of  “allcodesarebeautiful.” As a certified Google partner, Isabella specializes in user behavior and the creation of very well-structured frameworks. In complex projects, she always keeps an eye on the big picture, fostering an appreciative collaboration and efficient workflows between all participants. Besides work, she enjoys writing, for example on the topic of remote teams on t3n. As a permaculture designer, Isabella not only implements sustainability principles in her own garden, but also transfers them to the web – to promote sustainable design in the digital landscape! She has lived in Berlin for many years, but in winter she will most likely be found somewhere by the sea.

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