Catarina Cottone-Akinmade

Workshops & Accessibility

Meet Catarina, who brings a great dose of creativity and expertise from numerous professional fields. With previous experience as a production manager, sales assistant, content manager, editor and translator, she brings a unique skill set to the table. As a true organizational talent, she always keeps an overview while staying optimistic and full of good spirit. At ACB she is not only shining as a project manager whose processes are smart and efficient. She’s also a skilled moderator who has a talent for making workshops fun, engaging and interactive. Catarina’s third passion is creating web projects that are accessible to everyone, so that every user can have a seamless and enjoyable experience. When she’s not advocating for a more sustainable web, she’s working towards a more inclusive world as an advocate for type 1 diabetes.

Team Frauenpower im Grünen

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